Learn about the best known pests in Greece
Mosquitoes are blood-sucking insects, i.e. they feed on blood, and various species are found all over the world. Their body has a dimension of 3 to 6 mm and they have long legs. They are responsible for the transmission of many serious diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. In the breeding phase, females give birth to…
Drosyphylls are members of the mayfly family. They are found on moist surfaces but also in fermented foods such as: Ripe fruits Rotten vegetables Garbage sites Wine residues Their size ranges from 3.1 – 5.1 mm. Their color is brownish yellow or brownish black. When they breed…
Cockroaches belong to the category of polyphagous, saprophagous insects. Their main food is plant and animal materials such as food, garbage, animal feed, dead insects and other animals. They prefer to live and breed in dark and damp places with access to water. We also find them in warehouses and residences as there...
Termites and carrion
Beetles and termites are characterized as wood-eating insects as they are found, depending on their species, on different types of wood. Their biological phase in which they are most harmful is when they transform from larvae to insects. They bore into all kinds of wood such as furniture wood, wooden floors and tree trunks. The saraki…
Bed bugs
Bed bugs are nocturnal insects. They live in groups and are usually found in bedrooms. They do not have wings to be able to fly but they move extremely fast. They feed on blood during the night. They feed on humans and animals only when they are asleep by piercing the skin. They usually prefer exposed…
Silverfish (Fish)
Silverfish are walking insects. They live inside houses such as sugar bins, in books, furniture and food storage areas. They mainly prefer moist places such as basements, toilets and kitchens and dark places with high temperatures, greater than 32ºC, such as ovens, stoves, fireplaces, hot steam and water pipes .Silverfish have a length of 8.5-19mm and are silver in color, white gray...
Mites are living organisms that feed on the dead cells of the human body. When they find ideal conditions with unlimited food such as those in mattresses, they grow in populations of the order of 10,000 individuals per square centimeter. Their entry into a space cannot be excluded, because they enter with the dust carried by the wind. Mites cause…
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