Frequently asked questions about disinfection and disinfection

Certified procedures and modern equipment in order to provide a high level of health and safety services.
All the biocides used are approved by the Ministry of Rural Development & Food (YPAAT) for use in residential areas.
Are the preparations harmless for humans?
Our company follows modern public health insect control methods and the formulations used have new active substances. Insecticides have very low toxicity for mammals (almost non-toxic), are harmless for residents - workers, odorless and solvent-free, so they do not stain or corrode surfaces.
However, we should always keep in mind that preparations, no matter how harmless, should be handled with due care. Always obey the instructions of the scientist in charge.
Yes. The insecticides used by our company have new active substances, which break down in the environment. They have a double or even triple action and effectiveness on all types of surfaces, even porous and fast insecticidal action. Furthermore, they provide a full spectrum of action, replacing the multiple applications of different preparations. That is, with the new active substances we use smaller amounts of drugs.
With the application by a specialized workshop, only the appropriate amount of the drug is used in the places where it is necessary.
There is no rule as to how often a Disinfestation should be done. Essentially it depends on the time of year and how busy the space is. Insects show maximum activity from Spring to Autumn, but if there is a mild Winter, insects will remain active for a longer period of time.
It is proven that it is necessary at least twice a year (houses) to be Disinfested, in order to keep the insect population at low levels. This is not the rule, however, as there are many cases in which more applications per year are required, particularly when it has been a long time since the last Disinfestation or when there is a severe problem.
Most insecticides, some less and some more,dissolve in water. It is therefore recommended to be careful in the first week after application and not to wash the sprayed surfaces. It is important to know that biocidal preparations can maintain their insecticidal effect for a much longer period of time. That is, the longer they stay on the surfaces, the better.
Our company always uses second generation rodenticides. That is, hemolytic baits, of a meal, which significantly reduce the time of the unpleasant smell of dead rodents.
The fight against wood-eating insects (saraki) is done with the use of gases (fumigations) and all insects are killed, in whatever biological stage they are. However, none of the gaseous formulations have a residual life (otherwise it would be dangerous for humans), so there is no guarantee of avoiding a future contamination.
In practice, by the word bug we mean the set of insects that attack wood and in which they settle by creating galleries and holes depending on the species to which they belong.
Termites are insects that macroscopically resemble ants. However, scientifically their only similarity concerns the social organization they have developed. Their treatment is special and difficult, as their nest is usually in the ground and away from where the affected wood has been found.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point = Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) refers to a system of principles for ensuring the sanitary condition and quality of food and beverages. It aims to analyze and determine the key points for the prevention, limitation or elimination of all possible physical, biological and chemical risks that may appear at all stages of handling a product.
Specifically, it is a system which:
- analyzes the company's activities and products, its suppliers, its customers, its equipment, its personnel and the security risks that all of these entail and concludes
- on the critical points that the company must control and on the good practices that it must implement, in order to ensure the health and safety of its customers
HACCP is a requirement of European and Greek Legislation and is addressed to all companies and organizations of any size, Public or Private, that deal with production, processing, packaging , the storage, transport, distribution and sale of food, beverages and animal feed.
The steps that every company must follow to develop the HACCP system are as follows:
- Assessment and improvement of infrastructure (building condition, equipment, etc.) in terms of hygiene and safety
- Formation of a HACCP team that will have the knowledge and experience to develop and implement an effective HACCP system
- Flow chart/overview of the existing processes and characteristics of the products that the company handles (produces, or stores or trades or transports)
- Identification and evaluation of all possible risks that may appear and determination of preventive measures to control them
- Identification of those points where control is necessary to limit within acceptable levels the risks that may appear (Critical Control Points)
- Installation of monitoring system for each CCP
- Establishing corrective actions that are implemented in the event that the monitoring system indicates that a particular CCP is out of control
- Identification of verification procedures, which confirm that the HACCP system is working effectively including sampling plan and laboratory analysis
- Adevelopment of records demonstrating the application of good hygiene practices (GMPs), including records of fungicides and disinfestations, cleaning and disinfection, water and personnel hygiene
- Establishing an effective HACCP filing and recording system
- Staff training in Hygiene Rules, Good Food Hygiene Practices and Critical Control Point controls
- Inspection of the implementation of the above in practice and taking corrective measures.
The company Biodynamics, in full compliance with European standards, Legislation and the requirements of the HACCP system, provides all the companies it cooperates with >Myocide / Disinfestation file which includes all the necessary documents and certificates to show to each health check.